Scientific Committee
Montalbano Pierluigi
Sapienza University of Rome
Associate Professor of International Economic Policy at Sapienza University of Rome (IT), Associate Faculty at Department of Economics, University of Sussex (UK). Chair Holder of the Jean Monnet Chair on "Rethinking EU Trade Policy for Development". Director of MSc on "Migration and Development", Sapienza University of Rome (IT); Member of the Scientific Board of the Journal "Economia della Cultura" (ISSN 1122-7885). Member of the Italian Centrefor International Development (ICID), University of Tor Vergata (IT) and of the Manlio Rossi-Doria Centre for Economic and Social Research, Roma Tre University (IT). He is author and co-author of several, national and international articles and scientific publications and invited speakers at several national and international conferences and seminars. He has consultant experience, both as project leader and senior expert, with several national and international institutions, including the Italian Government; the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the European Commission; the European Economic and Social Committee; The World Bank; The International Development Bank; the FAO; the Global Development Network; the OECD-DAC. [personal web page]